


2020-11-04T05:52:13-05:00By |Uncategorized|

Last year, we had our first Fox Valley 5K Lymphatic Walk/Run. Given its success, we have decided to run it this year but with a slight change given our current times. Join us this year for a Virtual Lymphatic 5K Rebounder, Walk, Run COVID19 Challenge! This is happening BUT… NOW … you can do this [...]


Benefits of Taking a Detox Bath

2020-11-04T05:52:13-05:00By |Uncategorized|

In the busy world of today, people come in contact with an endless amount of impurities, toxins, poisons, pollutants, and other agents. These chemicals land on our skin, absorb into the fabrics we wear and are breathed into our lungs. Now more than ever with the Coronavirus pandemic, it is incredibly important to maintain excellent [...]

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How Honey and Cinnamon Can Help Your Immune System

2020-11-04T05:52:14-05:00By |Uncategorized|

For the past 10 years, a movement towards achieving health through more natural means has become very popular. In a world where novel viruses such as COVID-19 are prevalent and sending us into lockdown, it makes you wonder what natural substances can assist our immunity to ensure we are best prepared when there is not [...]

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How Mental Health Affects Your Immune System

2020-11-04T05:52:14-05:00By |Uncategorized|

When you are focusing on your immune system, you may think the only factors are diet and exercise. Though these can be huge factors in how your immune system handles issues in the body, they are not the only things to change. You also need to focus on your mental and emotional health as well. [...]

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What is PEMF and Can it Boost Immunity?

2020-11-04T05:52:14-05:00By |Uncategorized|

What is PEMF? PEMF stands for Pulsed Electro-magnetic Field and it is used for natural recovery. It’s a complete recovery process in which electric devices are utilized to emit the electromagnetic waves at diverse frequencies for the body. It is a mystery for many how PEMF technology can contribute to the whole recovery process and [...]

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Top 5 Natural Remedies for Cold or Flu

2020-11-04T05:52:15-05:00By |Uncategorized|

Figure 1 Remedies for the Flu Common colds and flu have been around for ages now, and it is often classified as an easily spreadable viral infection of the nose and throat. Influenza, or the flu, differentiates from the former as it is seasonal and often peaks during winter months. The following symptoms are common [...]

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Decentralized Detox: A Guide to Detoxing Different Areas of Your Body

2020-11-04T05:52:15-05:00By |Uncategorized|

Your Body If you are interested in doing a detox, you don’t have to choose just one detox, but customize it according to your needs. Perhaps you have a reason to detox your liver, or you really want to have healthier lymph nodes. There are certain natural ways to detox each main part of your [...]

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Liquid Detox: An Emerging 2020 Trend

2020-11-04T05:52:15-05:00By |Uncategorized|

Long gone are the trends to try new diets such as the raw or vegan diets! With 2020 come new beginnings, and the re-birth of liquid detox diets. FebFast is starting to gain popularity as it is the first month out of the holidays. Reality starts to hit and you wonder the best ways to [...]

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2020 Health-Boosting Tips

2020-11-04T05:52:15-05:00By |Uncategorized|

At some point in time in our lives, it is necessary to start the New Year with an honest commitment to be healthier. Let’s start this New Year and the new decade with a health model. The four essential elements that are needed for our life are food, water, oxygen, and sunlight. And the 5th [...]

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How to lose weight through detox and its benefits

2020-11-04T05:52:15-05:00By |Uncategorized|

Losing weight is something many people will set as their New Year resolution, but not many know what to do or where to start. The basic recommendations are to eat better and workout more. But this often makes it even more complicated with questions like ‘What workouts do you do?’, ‘How much workout is essential?’ [...]

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