Dr. Sylvia is now a BEMER Senior Independent Distributor

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Dr. Sylvia Hood Washington is now one of only 4 Certified Reflexology Lymphatic Drainage Specialists in the USA trained by award winning Reflexologist Sally Kay from Great Britain.  Reflexology Lymph Drainage (RLD) certification.

Latest certification: Dr. Sylvia Hood Washington is now a Certified Compression Fitter

Dr. Sylvia Hood Washington has completed the following certification:
SIGVARIS Certified Compression Specialist:  The certification came through ILWTI:  International Lymphedema and Wound Training Institute.

Dr. Sylvia Hood Washington has completed the following advanced courses:
Differential Diagnosis and Treatment of Lower Extremity Edemas course with the International Lymphedema and Wound Training Institute (ILWTI)

Differential Diagnosis: Identifying the Etiology of Edema — Klose Training Institute

The subjects covered in these courses included: the identification of diseases that can cause edema that is not due to lymphedema, the lab values used to identify diseases that can cause bilateral edema, the prediction rules used to determine if a patient’s unilateral edema might be due to a deep venous thrombosis (DVT) rather than lymphedema, and the data needed to make a referral. Including the use of ABI (Ankle Brachial Index) to rule out Peripheral Artery Disease.